Tag Archives: internship

“Intern”pretations: Stephen Barr

Stephen surmounted the vast store of raw video and audio footage at Menokin and created a  wonderful collection of video shorts covering topics from Oral Histories to Glass Project Team interviews. Not only did he do what the staff has never had time to accomplish, he did it very well!

Stephen Barr
Menokin Foundation Internship
July, 2016

Stephen Barr
Stephen Barr

As a student of early American history, the opportunity to work on the house of a signer of the Declaration of Independence was exciting – even if most of that work would be done remotely.  Fortunately, it has proven to be an educational experience despite the distance.  From documenting artifacts to video editing, my work with the Menokin Foundation this summer has provided me with new and practical experiences in historical preservation, archaeology, and digital history.

Before I started work for Menokin at the end of June, Alice French, the outreach and education coordinator, shared a number of readings from the Center for Digital Storytelling.  The readings helped to clarify their expectations.  I had not done any video creation or any work for a historical foundation.  The Digital Storytelling Cookbook from CDS was a useful guide for the purposes and processes for digital storytelling.  Much of the text is focused on telling personal stories, but the focus on using objects in videos, finding important moments, and keeping the audience’s attention were directly applicable to the work I would be doing.  It also had step-by-step directions for creating storyboards, writing scripts, and using particular video editing software.  Alice also shared an article from Edutopia: “How to Use Digital Storytelling in your Classroom” by Jennifer New.  As a teacher, I was particularly interested in this article as it applied to both my internship work for Menokin and my full-time teaching.  In her article, New gives a number of good tips for creating videos for educational purposes and encouraging students to create their own videos.  The readings gave me a frame of reference when beginning the video editing work for the summer.

The main purpose of my internship is to help the Menokin Foundation produce digital history content for their website and museum.  The content will be use to demonstrate the progress being made in restoring the site and highlight the many activities and opportunities available through the foundation.  To start, it was encouraged that I practice my video editing skills by creating a promotional video for their annual summer camp.  There were a number of pictures and video clips from the previous year’s camp, and I was use them to highlight the activities children would participate in this year.  It took a couple days to create the final video, mostly because I was still learning to use the WeVideo software that Menokin is using.  The process involved sorting through dozens of photos to find appropriate ones for use, editing down video clips, creating a storyboard, then editing it all together into a single video with captions and a musical track.  Since that first one, I have become much more adept at creating short video montages of what is happening at Menokin.  I have created a couple of videos on 18th century carpentry practices and techniques using recordings of classes Menokin has provided.  I also edited a number of recordings of archeologists examining artifacts into short clips that will be used in longer compilation videos.

Menokin also wanted transcriptions of a variety of audio and video files in their database – transcriptions which I later found very useful when making compilation videos.  Some of the more straightforward videos, such as the carpentry lessons, were fairly easy to transcribe.  There were also interviews with people who had family connections to Menokin, and these were much more difficult.  The interviews, which were audio only, were very informal; they were more similar to conversations than the lectures I had already transcribed.  I found it challenging to keep track of who was talking and what they were saying.  I wanted to record as much accuracy as possible, since the transcriptions would be used by the Foundation in other projects after I had left.  The transcriptions were time consuming, but also very interesting.  One interview was done when a visitor to Menokin shared that their great-uncle once owned the house, and she would visit the site as a child in the 1930’s.  Another, much longer, interview was with two sisters in their 90’s who may have been descended from slaves who worked at Menokin.  They had a great deal to share about growing up in the Northern Neck throughout the 20th century.  The interviews told a lot about the history of Menokin and the surrounding area.  Once I had the transcriptions, it became very easy to find some of the best quotes to use in videos promoting the history of Menokin.

On my first trip down to Menokin since I began the internship work, the was to gather recordings and pictures of the Archaeologists at work on the site and collect older pictures off the Menokin server that were too large to send by e-mail.  It was also an opportunity to get to know more of the staff at Menokin and experience their day-to-day work.

The most fascinating part of the trip was getting to watch and interview the archaeologists.  I do not have any experience with archaeology, but I could tell that they were experts who loved what they did.  The day I was down there, a small group of four contracted archaeologists were carefully sifting through the rubble of a collapsed corner of the house.  They were both cleaning the site for reconstruction, and looking for artifacts.  The lead archaeologist, Chris, was very personable and allowed me to interview him about his work.  He explained the process of sifting through dirt to find artifacts, described his history with the site, and showed me the glass bottles, buttons, and nails that they were preparing for cleaning and cataloging.  I also interviewed Hank Handler with Oak Grove Construction, who has been doing reconstruction planning and work for Menokin for several years.  He was very excited to discuss the techniques being used to stabilize the structure at Menokin  – techniques pioneered by the English Heritage Society that were just being introduced to the US.  As much as I wanted to, I was not dressed to jump in the rubble and join them (honestly, it did seem exciting), but I was able to get some great pictures and audio recordings to use in promotional and educational videos for Menokin.

The rest of the day was a chance to familiarize myself with the practical matters of a historical institution like Menokin.  The staff is small, and they seem to work together on both day-to-day and long-term tasks.  This particular day, they were hosting a genealogy course for the local community college; I was happy to help out when I was not searching their server for pictures and files.  I also met with the acting director, Leslie Rennolds, to discuss my work and upcoming projects.  The visit was a great opportunity to re-familiarize myself with the site and gather material for future videos.

I am grateful for the opportunity to work at Menokin.  The experience so far has been incredibly educational.  As I work into the second half of the summer, I plan to use the techniques and information I have gathered to create more digital content for the foundation.  Right now, I am planning videos about the archaeology and stabilization work I witnessed Monday.  There are also more recordings and material from past events at Menokin to examine and turn into media that can be presented to the public – connecting the public to the history.  I am excited to continue the work.


Lambert, Joe.  The Digital Storytelling Cookbook.  Berkeley:  The Center for Digital          Storytelling, 2010.

New, Jennifer. “How to Use Digital Storytelling in Your Classroom.”  Edutopia:  2005.              http://www.edutopia.org/digital-storytelling-classroom

“Intern”pretations: Eliza Carr-Schmidt

The Menokin staff would like to thank Eliza, who took on the daunting task of sifting through boxes and boxes of artifacts extracted from archaeological digs at Menokin over the last 13 years, and photographing them for use in an upcoming exhibit. Her work is exceptional and we are so pleased with the final images!
Eliza is a rising sophomore at Christ Church School.


I first became interested in Menokin when I visited on a field trip a couple years ago. I was not only intrigued by the history of the house and the people that lived there but also the plan about the ‘Glass House’. It was something that I had never seen before. I liked the

Collection of buttons excavated at Menokin during an archaeological dig in 2009.
Collection of buttons excavated at Menokin in 2009. Photo by Eliza Carr-Schmidt.

idea that you could see what the house would have looked like back then while at the same time seeing what it looks like today. It’s awesome that you can see the structure of the house, foundation, and the inside of the walls, but it’s also cool that it shows what’s happened over time.

Damper key discovered during the 2016 excavation. Photo by Eliza Carr-Schmidt
Damper key discovered during the 2016 excavation. Photo by Eliza Carr-Schmidt

Before my internship, I didn’t realize that they had carried out so many digs and found so many cool artifacts. It was a pleasure to get to go through all the different things that have been found through the years. I hadn’t realized that other people had lived at the house after Francis and Rebecca. The artifacts were like a timeline that shows what went on and how things changed through the years. I not only learned more about the history of the house and the people that lived there, but I enjoyed the photography aspect as well. It was not all what I was expecting, but I’m very glad it’s what I ended up doing!

It was also fun to learn about what goes on in the background of historic places like Menokin. I had no idea the amount of time and effort that went into something like this. I think it’s really amazing that Menokin seems like it’s all put together by the community. It’s an amazing place that has a bunch of really cool people that obviously care a lot about what they are doing. It was so much fun getting to help out there and meet all the incredible people that make Menokin possible!

“Intern”pretations – Episode 4: Emily


 – Emily Lyth

Allie, Frank and Emily
Allie, Frank and Emily

“Before I even started interning at Menokin, I knew it was going to be an experience that I would enjoy because my sister, Allie, had already spent over a year here as an intern before she left for CNU. She was always coming home with stories about how much she loved the projects she was working on and the people she was working with. I was excited about getting involved at Menokin but never planned on taking so much away from this experience.

I have enjoyed every moment of this internship. Whether it’s doing research, helping Alice prepare for a program, or just brainstorming, each assignment we have worked on has taught me something new.

In addition to everything I have learned, meeting Bri and having the opportunity to work with her, Sarah, Alice, Leslie, and Mavora, are some of the main reasons this summer has been so unforgettable.

While I appreciate all of the experience and knowledge I have gained from my internship at Menokin as well as all of the amazing new people in my life because of it, I am especially grateful to have had the chance to spend the entire summer working with Allie. We have our moments of bickering and we like to tease that we don’t get along, but the truth is that she’s my best friend, and this summer spent with her at Menokin has been one of the best.

I know she’s nearby when she’s at CNU and we live together when she’s home, but we still don’t get to spend as much time together as we used to. Now that we’re older and going to different schools, we each do our own thing most of the time. That’s why it has been such a great experience spending time with her at Menokin this summer.

Collaborating on projects and working events like the music festival together has been more

Menokin Volunteers and Staff at the Music Festival
Menokin Volunteers and Staff at the Music Festival

fun than I ever anticipated. Saying goodbye to Bri when she left to go back to Pennsylvania was tough because she became such a great friend this summer, so I know it will be tough when Allie leaves to go back to CNU next month, too. The memories we made over the summer will be ones that I continue to look back on and cherish long after this summer is over though. I intend to enjoy the last few weeks of summer with Allie at Menokin and have no doubt we will make the most of them.

And as much as I hate to say goodbye to this summer, I’m excited to see what the next chapter at Menokin will bring. I know the future projects won’t disappoint, and I’m looking forward to the time I get to spend with Sarah, Alice, Leslie, and Mavora.”

“Intern”pretations – Episode 3: Allie



Allie“I began my journey with Menokin in October 2012, when I took a class at Menokin through the Rappahannock Institute of Lifelong Learning at the Community College and then I became an intern in January 2013. When I took that class I had some idea of what I wanted to earn my degree in, but I wasn’t sure. Taking the class here at Menokin helped me realize that without a doubt, I wanted to get into preservation in some way. I have always had a love for historic houses, although growing up in Virginia Beach they are few and far between. Since a young age I would point at every historic house I drove by with my family and say “I want that one” or “I love that one”. When the ladies at Menokin offered me an internship this summer I was beyond excited, and the fact that I would have two other girls here with me, one of which is my sister, made me even more excited to be here again!

I have lived in the Northern Neck for 4 years and I am familiar with it, but Bri has never been to Menokin or the Northern Neck. I think Menokin is a great place in the Northern Neck for her to have her first experience here. Menokin is an excellent representation of the finest things in the Northern Neck; the river (we are located on Cat Point Creek, one of the prettiest tributaries off of the Rappahannock), history (we all know the Northern Neck is rich in history ranging from Stratford Hall to George Washington’s Birthplace), and Wildlife!

Bri’s time at Menokin is quickly coming to a close with only a week and a half left. During her time here we have gotten a lot

Menokin interns going off the deep end.
Menokin interns going off the deep end.

accomplished, and a lot of it was fun activities! We’ve walked the trails at Menokin, and gave Bri a little bit of history of the property and she got to see firsthand how many ticks there are here compared to Pennsylvania! Over Memorial Day Weekend, Alice was kind enough to invite us to her annual campout/cookout on the Rappahannock River, which we spent most of Sunday at! Bri also go to go on a kayaking trip down Cat Point Creek with a few people from the National Park Service, which she had a lot of fun doing. A few weekends ago, I took her to Short Pump and went shopping, which was successful! I also took her to a necessary place while visiting the Northern Neck, Los Portales in Tappahannock! A couple of weeks ago, Sarah sent us on an “educational fieldtrip” to Stratford Hall, which we thought was a lot of fun!

Not all of our time here at Menokin has been field trips and beach days though. We have been working on several projects in our time here including developing internships with graduate programs at preservation schools, organizing the remaining woodwork from the house, and helping to develop programs with the local schools in Richmond County that will allow classes to come to Menokin for a field trip and learn important aspects of the history of Menokin as well as programs involving science, math and art.

Stratford Selfie with Bri Basile and Allie Lyth
Stratford Selfie with Bri Basile and Allie Lyth

During our time here at Menokin we’ve learned a lot and had a lot of fun. Come the beginning of July when Bri has left and it is just Emily and me here, it will be pretty quiet, but I look forward to the rest of my summer here at Menokin and having these wonderful ladies here give me projects to reassure my love for history and preservation!”